Ezili Dantor

Pierre, Andre (Haitian, 1916 – 2005)

Queen of the Angels; Queen of the Souls of Purgatory; Queen of the Heavens; Queen of the Earth. It is a woman who carried the creator of the universe. That is why Virgin Mary is not a common woman. Ezili Dantor is Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, mater salvatoris that is mother of the savior, mother of Christ, mother of all nations, protector of all mankind. She gave Haiti its independence. She gave all other nations their independence. She is everywhere in the universe. Ezili Dantòr is a great lady. If you respect her, if you love her, she will also love you. She will give you protection in whatever you do. She is a force for mankind. She inhabits the forest, because the trees are pure. She can’t inhabit human houses because they are not pure. They are built by man. The song says: “I will show you my house because I live in the woods.”

Ezili Dantor