Obin, Othon (Haitian, 1920 - ????)

Othon Obin, the son of Seneque Obin and nephew of Philome Obin, was born April 2, 1920 in Cap-Haitien. After Freres de L'Instruction Chretienne Primary School and Lycee National Philippe Guerrier High School, he worked from 1937 to 1963 as a mechanic. Artist Rony Leonidas interested Othon in painting just before Othon's father died. Also encouraged by Seymour Bottex and almost all the other Obins, Othon began to paint in earnest in the early 1970's.

Free School under Emperor Christophe
Free School under Emperor Christophe
Franciscus Collection
Church scene, 1980
Church scene, 1980
Gessen Collection